
Showing posts from April, 2020

He Makes All Things Beautiful In His Time

 A couple days ago Emily woke up and ran down the stairs.  She suddenly stopped and yelled, "NO!"  Startled, I sprang out after her to see what caused her alarm.  I was shocked to see a blanket of white snow covering our lawn!  WHAAT!  Emily sat on the stairs and just whimpered "Nooooo!" in absolute despair.  I joined her as we blankly stared out the window remembering only one week ago we were playing in the sprinkler in 80 degree weather. Somehow we managed down the stairs and I threw on my running gear.  I tried to justify with myself it was simply too slick to run outside but then saw the sidewalks were perfectly fine as I added hat and gloves my my ensemble.  I left Emily staring out the window as stepped outside.  As I began my run, I started tired, crabby, and frustrated by the snow covered lawns. By the end of the first block, my dark mood began to lift as I noticed how quiet and peaceful the neighborhood was.  Ther...

Choosing Connection over Criticism

As a parent, I made a big mistake tonight.  The kind of mistake that really punched me in the gut and made me wish I had the power to turn back time.  Here we go.  Max, my 5th grader, has been working hard on a secret project all week long.  Every free minute, he has retreated to his room to work on an art project.  He won't let anyone in his domain but did let it slip he is working on a Mother's Day gift.  What a blessing this has been for me!  I admit my curiosity peaked about what this project could be but I respected his desire for secrecy and surprise.  I simply loved he was doing something in his room quietly that wasn't a screen.  I couldn't wait to see the project as he has put hours into this project. Fast forward to tonight.  The evening was already tense.  We were having a later dinner due to a work obligation.  The kids were tired, restless, crabby, and hyper all at the same time.  Max was in his room; fi...