Be Gentle

I am a fixer and a doer.  I am a planner and adventurous.  I am an achiever and a perfectionist.  Until this week.  Now I'm a...not so sure what the heck I am.

This week uprooted our world.  You see, I had a plan when I returned from vacation.  I had a to-do list.  I had visions to strive for,  lists to accomplish, ministry events to plan, goals to reach, gym classes to attend, and new recipes to cook.  In less than a week every single one of those plans were wiped clean.

I know I've been needing a break.  I know I've been needing to slow down and live a more worshipful lifestyle and manageable pace.  I know I've needed to be more present, available, and have more margin in my life.  I knew all this, yet I didn't act.

Now today, I'm facing a day when everything on my calendar is obsolete.   There are no gym classes at the Campus to attend, no church meetings to attend, no office hours, no kids' activities, no errands to run, and no small groups meeting in person.  I'm finding myself at home grasping for a new structure, new routine, new norm, new way of doing church and ministry.  A new way to fix.  A new way to do.  A new way to plan.  A new way to be adventurous.  A new way to achieve.  And a new way to reach perfection.  Because gosh darn it, I am determined to make my new plow through this crazy time, and make my new road fast and make it now.

Except, God's begging me through Psalm 46 to "Be Still".  His cry, His whisper, His nudge, His voice comes every hour as He quietly demands I put down my phone, turn off the news, stop trying to be the first to know, stop trying to achieve.  God is asking that I just be.  God is asking that I dwell with Him.  God is asking that I'm simply present.  God is asking my heart and mind to be still and trust in Him.  Because that is enough.  And virus or no virus, that's all that God has ever asked for.  God doesn't want me to build this road.  Listen my child, He says.  Listen, He says, 'Let me pave this road for you as I carried the cross'.  For I've gone before you and done the work.  You must simply wake, abide in me, and walk on the road I have created for you.

My friend - where are you at today?  What are you striving for that is unattainable?  Are you building your own road with desperation, sweat, and tears?  My friend, "Be still."

Be gentle to yourself in this time of change.  Know and rest in the truth that you are enough.  Be gentle in your new routine and your new job role (or break from your job).  Be gentle in your parenting - both to your kids and to yourself as patience is short.  Be gentle in your faith - know it's okay to doubt, feel anxiety, and uncertain.  Be gentle to you.  Be gentle to others for they are doing the best they can today, as are you.

Be gentle.  Be still & know that He is God.


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