On Your Road

We are all on our own road and personal journey right now.  I'd like to reflect for a moment on the parable of the Good Samaritan.  In Luke, Jesus wrote of the Good Samaritan who traveled down the road to Jericho and came across a man who was injured and needed help.  Prior to his arrival, three other religious men walked down the same road but passed by the man with a hasty excuse.  The Good Samaritan was on his road with a destination to reach.  Yet, he stopped his daily plan, took great care of the injured man, found him housing, and paid for his stay.  All this when both men were supposed to be enemies due to cultural disputes.  What amazes me about this story is that the Good Samaritan not only helped the man in need but he was present, accessible, compassionate, and acted.  He didn't just pray for the man or give him words of encouragement or Scripture.  He acted.  He cared for his injuries, helped him get to Jericho, paid for his room, and provided a way for this man to heal and be on his way.

He did all this on his own road.

Each day God calls us to be on our road.  To be in our lane.  To stay on our path.  We must begin each day in prayer for what that road is.  Then comes the hard part.  We must be present and accessible on this road.  Ready to stop our daily schedule, agenda, and life to act and help others in need.

And we must also allow ourselves to be the injured man who was robbed, beaten, and left behind.  We must allow ourselves to be vulnerable, transparent, and in need.  We must allow ourselves to cry out in help and let others who travel on our road to help us, care for us, and show us God's love.  Is this the harder one to be at times?  Especially when the hurt is emotional, high stress, anxiety, or being offended?

I want to use this blog as a space for both.  A space to share our "On the road" experiences as we navigate a totally new way of life.  Each day we will begin with prayer for God to show us our roads and be present on our roads.  Each day we will have opportunities to connect with others and help or reach out for someone to connect with us.

Will you join me in sharing your stories?  Even in the age of social distancing, we can pray, listen, and ask God to guide us to be PRESENT on our roads!  Please share your joys, challenges, sorrows, and funny moments on your current road!  Let us be people that connect, preserve community, and show love more intentionally than ever!


  1. I can only see God in all of this world. His Word cannot be denied nor be found in error. John 10:34 TPT Let your church go into a season of intense intercession, asking God to free us. Acts 12:5 TPT


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